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Post Operative Pain

It can persist after the expected healing time from surgery. It is more common than you might think : between 10-50% of people who have surgery, experience chronic post-operative pain.


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Post CVA Pain

It can occur immediately, or sometimes even months after a stroke. Research shows that more than half of stroke survivors have some form of post-stroke pain. In some cases, the pain is constant and in others, it comes and goes.

Occipital Neuralgia

It is characterized by chronic pain in the upper neck, back of the head and behind the eyes. These areas correspond to the localisation of the lesser and greater occipital nerves.


It is the most common form of arthritis. It occurs when the protective cartilage on the end of  your bones wears down over time.

Shoulder Pain

It can be due to osteoarthritis, or to inflammation or tear of the tendons. The rotator cuff is made of 4 muscles and their tendons. Other less common causes of shoulder pain are for exemple fractures or instability.

Upper & Low Back Pain

80% of adults experience low back pain at some point in their life. Upper back pain is less frequent, but in recent years, it has become a familiar complaint from people who work at computers.

Phantom Limb Pain

Phantom pain is pain that feels like it's coming from a body part that's no longer there. These real sensations originate in the spinal cord and brain, and are not of psychological origine.

Tension Headaches

It is generally a diffuse, mild to moderate pain in your head that's often described as feeling like a tight band around your head. A tension headache  is the most common type of headache and it is usually of muscular origin.


Whiplash is caused by an abrupt backward and/or forward jerking motion of the head, often as a result of a car accident. It is also called neck sprain or neck strain


Joint Pain

Many different conditions can lead to painful, joints, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, gout, strains, sprains, and other injuries. Joint pain is extremely common.

Prolapsed Disc

A 'slipped' (prolapsed) disc often causes severe lower back pain, or neck pain. The disc often presses on a nerve root which can cause pain and other symptoms in a leg or an arm. 

Spinal Stenosis

It is the narrowing of spaces in the spine which causes pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. About 75% of cases of spinal stenosis occur in the low back (lumbar spine).

Hip Pain

It can be caused by arthritis or inflammation of the bursa, called bursitis.The pain can also be referred from the lower back.

Post Laminectomy

It is a condition where the patient suffers from persistent pain in the back following surgery of the back

Piriformis Syndrome

It is a neuromuscular disorder that is caused when the piriformis muscle compresses the sciatic nerve. This muscle is a flat muscle located in the buttocks near the top of the hip joint. 

Postherpetic Neuralgia

Postherpetic neuralgia is a complication of shingles, which is caused by the chickenpox (herpes zoster) virus. 

Myofascial Pain

Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic pain disorder. In myofascial pain syndrome, pressure on sensitive points in your muscles (trigger points) causes pain in seemingly unrelated parts of your body. This is called referred pain.

Foot Pain

It can be caused by local conditions, by referred pain from the back, or by systemic conditions, like painful diabetic neuropathy.

Pain Shooting Down The Arm and Leg

We call it radicular pain, because it is generally due to herniated discs putting pressure on nerve roots

Sciatic Pain

It is a common type of pain affecting the sciatic nerve, a large nerve extending from the lower back down the back of each leg. Sciatica is caused by irritation of the root(s) of the lower lumbar and lumbosacral spine.


Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic pain condition most often affecting one of the limbs (arms, legs, hands, or feet), usually after an injury or trauma to that limb.

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